Customers are welcome to visit the factory!
1. Before coming to China, send a tip for vist in China to the customer. It can include advice on what to bring, weather and clothing, travel and stay safe.
2. Pay attention to the customer's ticket. The customer may not be familiar with the various holidays in China, so they do not know the urgency of the ticket in China. Help customers to check the tickets to ensure that the visit is foolproof: provide hotel suggestions to customers, inquire and recommend hotels to customers: foreign customers can let them buy from etrip.
3. Arrange your own tickets and hotel. The general is to arrange the customer's tickets first, then buy the tickets.
4. Before the visit, prepare the company's logo/ own business card/pen and wood and other relevant preparations. Give your clients small gifts to increase your exposure.
5. Make a factory visit plan and send it to the customer for confirmation.
6. If a customer asks you to buy something for him, you can buy it for him. You pay him up front, if the risk is manageable.
7. Make relevant preparations, including the purpose of the visit, the questions to be asked of the customer, the information to be conveyed to the customer, etc.
8. Inquiry of the customer's religion and other questions (related to diet):
When customers visit the factory:
1. Purpose of visit, questions to be asked and information to be conveyed to customers.
2. Take photos during the client visit, so as to be useful in the future. The number of photos depends on whether the customer likes to take photos or not.